Gut Health


Leaky Gut Symptoms

  • Abdominal pain

  • Gas and Bloating

  • Nausea

  • Food Allergies or Sensitivities

  • Constipation or Diarrhea

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Rashes, Rosacea, Acne

  • Headaches

  • Nutritional Deficiencies

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

The inside of the intestines is lined by a single layer of cells that make up the mucosal barrier. This separates the digested food and stool in the intestines from the rest of the body. The mucosal barrier allows absorption of nutrients but prevents large molecules and organisms from entering the bloodstream and interacting with the immune system causing widespread symptoms.

There are several things that can damage the mucosal barrier resulting in “leaking” of the contents of the intestines into the bloodstream and immune system.

When food particles and organisms interact with the immune system symptoms and food sensitivities result. The intestines are also populated by a wide range of bacteria, the microbiota, that aid in digestion, make nutrients, protect the intestinal wall and support normal immune function. A shift in the balance of the microbiota can result in gas and bloating as well as and unhealthy or “leaky gut”.

Many different medical factors, diets and lifestyles can promote an imbalance in the microbiome.

  • A diet high in sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods.

  • Antibiotic use

  • A weak Immune system or infection

  • Stress

  • Hormone imbalances

How is Leaky Gut diagnosed?

Often Leaky Gut can be diagnosed by symptoms alone. However, at Family Functional Medicine we rely on testing to get the whole picture.

Our Approach

  • REMOVE factors that negatively affect the gut including inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs, and sugar, infections from parasites, yeast, or bacteria, and irritants such as alcohol, caffeine, and medications.

  • REPLACE the good, adding back the digestive enzymes required for proper digestion.

  • RESTORE a healthy balance of good bacteria by reintroducing beneficial bacteria through a high-quality, multi-strain, high-potency probiotic supplement.

  • REPAIR. Provide the nutrients necessary to help restore your gut lining.