Located in Greensboro, North Carolina,
we are focused on getting to the root of
what’s causing health distress.
Utilizing strategic testing and the latest medical research alongside a holistic approach, we treat the entire person, bringing you to a maximum state of wellness.


How We Work

Functional Medicine integrates each system within the physical body,
as well as the mind and spirit.
This is how we approach patient care:


Your initial meeting with our providers will be lengthy, compared to most conventional practices. Expect 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. You will have filled out advance paperwork that your provider will review prior to meeting with you.


Your provider will likely suggest specific tests to gather data on what is happening within your body’s systems. Not everyone requires testing, but it’s common and allows us to gather a baseline, pinpoint a plan of action, as well as accurately track progress.

Wellness Plan

With results from testing in (if needed) and a clear understanding of your symptoms, our providers will develop a treatment approach involving actions, considerations, supplements, and possible follow-up.


Wellness is not an event. It is a process.

Therefore we recommend periodic follow-up appointments.

While we suggest retaining your own primary care physician, we are present to track progress and address health concerns.
Your records will be on file and
we will continue to be on your team.


Your Commitment

Prevention and recovery can take time and effort on your part.

If you are ready to make lifestyle changes that not only improve your health now,

but create the best possible outcomes down the road:

We are ready to meet you there.