IV Therapy

Why consider a nutritional IV? In bypassing the stomach and digestive track, you can receive more efficient support for a variety of health conditions.

Health benefits include:

  • Boosting your immune system

  • Recovery from illness

  • Improving fatigue

  • Reducing muscle pain

  • Treating migraines

  • General re-hydration


SAFETY: To ensure the utmost safety of our patients, we adhere to stringent guidelines for our IV treatments. These treatments are prepared in a compounding pharmacy, following the rigorous standards of USP 797. Recognizing that each patient’s needs are unique, we customize and order the IV specifically for each individual. To facilitate this personalized service, we kindly request that payment for the IV treatment be made at least 2 days in advance. This allows us to maintain the highest level of care and safety for our patients.

IV Ozone


Three “Cocktail” Treatments




Remove toxins from the body and promote health and vitality.

1g $160
3g $180



(also called “Myers Cocktail”)

Alleviate chronic symptoms such as inflammation, muscle pain, fatigue and stress.

Contains Magnesium, Vitamin C, B12 and B Complex.




High-dose Vitamin C.

Boost your immune system to prevent illness or recover from colds or flu.

50g $200